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MVL Wellness Privacy Policy

MVL Wellness takes your privacy seriously. We want to make sure you feel confident and safe while on our website.

On our site we use Google Analytics to collect data in order to improve your experience on our website and to give us data that will help us improve our website and how we communicate with you via marketing and website updates. It will also help us tailor our services better to help you, the customer.

Google Analytics collects the following data: time of visit, pages visited, time spent on each page, URI paths, type of web browser of the user, type of operating system of the user, network location, and IP address. Also, Google Analytics collected flash version, JavaScript support, screen resolution, and screen color processing ability.

Our booking page is managed with Square. Please click here to read their privacy policy. Your information is safe and secure. Square uses HIPAA standards while protecting your sensitive information. We have access to this information, too, but we only use this information to process your booking and your appointments. We do not use this information for anything else. You have the right to request this information.

Our blog, which is run through WordPress, uses Feedwind, which collects data. Please visit their privacy policy here to see how your data is protected.

You have the right to request your information that Google Analytics collects by emailing us. If our privacy policy changes in the future with any updates, we will make sure to notify everyone on our public platforms. Our privacy policy is effective immediately.